Claygate Lakes


Adress Maidstone road , Marden TN12 9PL

What three words  Surrond. Succombs.Brittle

 "each member is entitled to 5 free days at this venue either on sophie or eva after the 5th visit you will have to pay to fish" 

Information : We have an agreement with the fishery for our members to fish 2 lakes here (lakes sophie/eva ) 1st rod is free with a discount of £2 for second rod, you MUST  show membership card to gain this discount .The fishery advise you MUST phone them on 07770513448 if you intend to fish on the weekend inc bank holidays as they do hold a lot of matches at this venue and there may not have any pegs available Please abide by fishery rules ,more information and rules can be found on there website take your rubbish home , THERE are no l.a.s guest permits available for this venue

please phone up for weekend availability before your visit, infomation on rules, lakes and directions  can be found at . 


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Sutton Valence Reservoirs

Map Ref: 188 – 818 485

Nearest Postcode ME17 3EE

What three words Talker.Bachelor.Equipment



This popular venue consists of two Reservoirs situated in orchards in the beautiful area of Sutton Valence, the top one of approx. 1 acre is a established water containing Roach, Rudd, Perch, Tench & Carp (including ‘Wildies’ & Grass) The second larger bottom reservoir approx. 3 acres was completed in March 2007.

 Mixed  fishery with good bags of silvers, carp to 28LB The Carp & Roach fishing can  be excellent in summer, there are now some big Perch. Fishing is from designated swims only , when fishing you must only occupy one swim no rods out in ajoining swims

 Please note there is to be no casting to the islands or between them.


From Maidstone: Travel out on A274; go over ‘x’ roads in Sutton Valence, down the hill in approx ¾ mile turn LEFT (before the ‘Total’ garage) into Heniker Lane, continuing along lane.  DRIVE CAREFULLY, sharp LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT & RIGHT. In 50 yards there is footpath sign & a field/venue entrance gate on the LEFT, follow up the track to sign posted parking area on the right.


PARKING: The ONLY parking is in the car park provided, do NOT drive around the banks or park on them or next to the reservoirs! Litter must be taken home

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Toke Reservoir situated in Linton

Map Ref: 188 TQ 751 497.

Nearest postcode ME17 4BJ

What three words – Scans.Longer.Anyway



This Reservoir is also situated in Linton Village in orchards, some 1.5 acres &  is another good mixed fishery, but has no carp; it contains very good head of fish Bream, Roach, Rudd, big Perch, Tench & Crucians.

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Manor Farm Reservoir and Pond situated in Marden

Map Ref: 188 TQ 759 448 .

Nearest postcode TN12 9BJ

What three words – Runways.Language.Connector



this old established reservoir situated in Marden is some 2.5 acres, with carp upto 30lb+. effort equals reward for the carp , not an easy water,  it also contains a good head of Roach, Rudd and Perch , Pike are also present . there is also a pond here which holds the odd surprise


From Stile Bridge, fork right on B2079 towards Marden, in approx. 1mile turn left into Battle Lane, travel on for ¾ mile, then forking right, continue on for a further ¾ mile, the gate & track are on your right (before the Railway Bridge).


Parking: is in the designated area only, cars are NOT to be driven up to the Reservoir banks or driven across the fields. Night fishing, Bivvies must not be erected in such a way that they obstruct the walkway around the top of the Reservoir.

Please use common sense when using three rods, keep to the confines of your own swim. No fishing behind or in amongst the reeds.


Special Note:

This water is part of the ongoing marden wildlife project and as so you will see them from time to time  please be polite, no litter or waste to be left please take it home with you ,wooded area is out of bounds to our members.

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Linton Park situated in Linton

Map Ref: 188 TQ 759 493.

Nearest post code . ME17 4AG

What three words: Laser.Bricks.Boom



This beautiful Lake dates back to Victorian times; it is some 3.75 acres, situated in Linton Village park land & is a mixed fishery with a good head of sizeable Carp to 30lb – Pike to 30lb. Excellent catches of Roach, Rudd, big Perch, good Tench & big bags of Bream – also some good size Eels to 6lbs.Does suffer from weed in the summer months



Travel from Maidstone on A229, at Linton crossroads turn left on B2163 towards Boughton Monchelsea. In ¾ mile turn right (signpost to “The White Lodge”) down Loddington Lane for approx. 1mile.

Parking: The main locked car park is situated on the right, please use it & walk along the public footpath to the left of the car park over the stile& across the field.

We would prefer that you do not park in Wheelers Lane as over the past years we have received many complaints from the Police, Linton Parish Council & the residents of Wheelers Lane about anglers parking there. If you are just on a short visit & do have to park there park by the allotments please ensure you keep tight to the posts & do not obstruct driveways. Please be quiet when walking past the houses especially in the early morning & late evening. Access to the lake is across the fields via the public footpath.


Special Note:

NIGHT FISHING Is by prior booking only , permits will cost £5 per night for members £15 for guest per night ,A max of 6 anglers per night  Refer to membership card for details.

The Society is responsible for the upkeep of the lake and all the surrounds, it is essential that all anglers do not leave any LITTER, OLD LINE or misuse the area, anyone found doing so will be expelled.

Directions: From Maidstone on A229 go down Linton Hill. Turn right into Wheelers Lane, follow road for ½ mile. Access to the farm is on the right via a barrier in front of the to the farm buildings. This is secured with a LAS padlock on a bar.

Please make sure this is always left locked. 

Parking: Turn right through the buildings and park on the grass at the end by the sign. Cars are NOT to be driven over to the Reservoir. – There are no Carp in this water.


Description: Follow route through orchard, turning right & follow track to Reservoir


Special Note:


All Juniors can only fish this venue if they are accompanied by an FULL adult member.

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